What They Are Saying.


Lutaw is a Finalist in the VR Film of the Year category at the Fourth International VR Awards brought to you by AIXR!

Lutaw was one of six finalists that have been nominated out of nearly 200 submissions for the Positron Visionary Award at Cannes XR 2020—a special jury prize for Best Cinematic XR.



Beautifully done!
— Sam Wolson, Award-Winning Immersive Director
A project with high production quality and complete by a great team. The story is so beautiful and touching that it will engage the viewers.
— Jingshu Chen co-founder of VeeR

This is what all the immigrants and young international studios will face, so powerful by experiencing this under VR!
— Jimmy Cheng, Director of XR Content for Iconic Engine
This project has a fantastic visual language and it’s beautifully told.
— Ana Brzezińska, Curator and Producer of Kaleidoscope


a Pixar-esque short animation that shines a spotlight on the work of Yellow Boat of Hope

-Jamie Feltham, UploadVR


This Oculus For Good piece is a cute sister-and-brother story with an inkling of Pixar flair.

-Will Cherry, XR Correspondent, No Proscenium


For those who like animation,,Lutaw from the USA/Philippines is a high-quality production

-Peter Graham, Senior Staff Writer at VRFocus

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A lot of Oculus for Good pieces have to communicate a message, and this piece definitely does that.