As a Filipino-American, I was thrilled when Samantha asked me to collaborate on a project about the incredible work of Yellow Boat of Hope.
Despite the extreme circumstances of these children, Samantha and I strove to maintain the sass, spark, and innovation that runs deeply within the Filipino culture.
Themes of sibling relationships, frustration with homework, and taking matters into ones owns hands, are universal, whether on Caohagan island or Manhattan island.
When the audience is immersed in the piece, I hope they sense the care and time that our Filipino animation studio, Chibot VR, and our art director, Ruby Wang took into making the world rich and dynamic. When a person in headset witnesses Geramy’s gumption and refusal to quit, I wish for them to feel the compassion, authenticity, and warmth that we took in crafting the story.
In conclusion, come for the immersion of a virtual reality piece, but I invite you to also enjoy with a childlike wonder—laugh, groan, smile, dance, and cheer alongside Geramy and Isko. Because if we can understand someone else’s challenges and victories, then we have perhaps taken the first step in creating true unity.